

  1. Include number of post and downspouts needed. (Remember when counting post they can be a maximum of 10’ apart, but can be increased to 30’ with an I-beam.)
  2. Included direction of panel layout.(Take into account trees near cover, position of cover (as in examples 2, 6, & 7) for amount of water run off from roof that cover is being attached to, also the direction you want water to drain.
  3. Include if post are on slab or in ground. (Standard is 8’ to 10’ on slab, but can be 12’ if steel posts are used. For in ground standard is 10’ to 12’ allowing for 2’ to be below ground.)
  4. Include if offset is needed. (An offset allows you to set your post back from edge of cover giving you a 1′-3′ overhang or matching house overhang depending on the type of panel and gauge. This also allows for later enclosure.)
  5. Include if support beam or fan beam is needed (This will depend on the span of the cover.)
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Del-Port Kits

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